The original Classic field of 75 was sure to increase with a number of verbal commitments having been made by some travelling teams. The names that have now seen the entry list climb to 81 certainly add some spice to the 49th South West Conveyancing Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic.
The additions include Knoxville Raceway Track Champion Ian Madsen, two-time Classic Champion Steven Lines, Ryan Jones, Jack Lee, Jake Smith and Eddie Lumbar.
Luckless Tasmanian, Adam Garwood, has been forced to withdraw.
The step in the process is the all- important seeding to determine which cars will contest which night of qualifying. This will be updated in coming days, so please keep an eye on the Premier Speedway Facebook page and Website for updates.
In some other exciting news, bookings are now being taken for the Classic Breakfast which has already attracted some big name guests!
Tickets are $30 and the Brekkie will be held at the Wannon Rooms, Warrnambool Greyhound racing Club on Friday January 21, 2022 from 9.30am until 11.00am.
To book please call the Premier Speedway office during business hours on (03) 5565 1789.
The current entry list is:
A1 Jamie Veal V2 Domain Ramsay Q3 Karl Hoffmans S3 Ben Morris V3 Darren Mollenoyux
NS4 Ian Madsen S4 Lisa Walker V6 Cameron Waters N7 Robbie Farr NQ7 Lachlan McHugh
T7 Tim Hutchins V7 Paul Solomon V8 Bobby Daly N10 Luke Stirton V10 Steven Loader
VA11 Phil Micallef S13 Brock Hallett S14 Brendan Quinn N15 Luke Thomas V17 Dennis Jones
W17 James McFadden S20 Glen Sutherland NS21 Jordyn Brazier T22 Jock Goodyer
VA22 Leigh Mugavan S24 Ricky Maiolo V25 Jack Lee Q27 Cody Maroske S27 Daniel Peska
V27 Ross Jarred V28 Andrew Hughes V29 Michael Tancredi VA29 Terry Rankin
V30 Michael Coad N32 Warren Ferguson Q33 Callum Walker V34 Brenten Farrer
N36 Eddie Lumbar VA36 Ashley Cook S37 Terry Kelly V37 Grant Anderson
S38 Lachlan McDonough N40 Chris McInerney V40 Rusty Hickman N43Alex Orr
V44 Tim Van Ginneken V45 Steven Lines N47 Marcus Dumesny N48 Jackson Delamont
V48 Adam King V51 Peter Milnes S52 Matt Egel V56 James Aranyosi N57 Matt Dumesny
V57 Troy Hose VA57 Harrison Swan V60 Jordyn Charge T62 Tate Frost S63 Ryan Jones
V63 Kevin Reeves Q66 Ryan Newton V68 Brett Milburn V70 John Vogels N72 Coby Elliot
VA72 Marlin Carrigan-Walsh V72 Jacob Smith VA73 Matt Swan V75 Mitch Smith
VA75 David Donegan V78 Chris Campbell S81 Luke Dillon V81 Robbie Paton
VA81 Rhys Baxter VA88 Grant Stansfield V89 Jamie Hayen V90 Cory McCullagh
V92 Matthew Reed VA96 Dayn Bentvelsen S97 David Murcott V98 Peter Doukas
V99 Carson Macedo
The 2022 South West Conveyancing Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic is supported by , KFC Performance Racegear, Fitz Media Productions, The Lady Bay Resort, GJ Gardner Homes and KRE Race Engines and will be held from Friday January 21, 2022, through to Sunday January 23, 2022.
Tickets for the Classic are currently available via www.premierspeedway.com.au with three- and single-night ticket options available.